
pbrane is some weird language used only on IRC. Originally, it was just an extension of the existing command creation/syntax present in PINKSERV2. Then, jac went crazy and had all sorts of ideas for a partially statically verified language where constraints which couldn't be proven were dynamically checked during execution... but the syntax was awful and nobody really needs that in IRC. Now, it's just a simple language for extending PINKSERV2.

It has things such as string-int multiplication, evaluation, infix notation mathematics, regex, recursion, bash like argument passing...

An example, random syntax

${ 'test' ~ '/t/x/' }
${ (!drand 0 1) > .5 ? !echo yes : !echo no }
${ 5 + 8 * 12 * -1 }

An example: !church

${ eval => !1 $2 }
${ church => !eval ($2 + " ") * $1 + $3 }
${ pow => !church ($2 - 1) ($1 + " * ") $3 }
${ tetr => !church $2 ("!pow " + $1 + " (") ($1 + ")" * $2) }

Wow! Ain't that nifty...