- 3dpe: pluggable game engine, cooperative map editing, multiplayer server (python, typescript, c++)
- PINKSERV2: multiplexing bot wrapper, markov based text generation, interpreted language (c++)
- frack / onify: fractal and tiling pastel wallpaper generators (c++)
- thebits: boolean algebra utilities, parsing, and simplification (c++)
- ... more to be made presentable
- 2014-02-08 Working with function pointer families
- 2015-02-28 Selecting random numbers without duplicates
- 2016-02-03 thebits: a boolean algebra utility
- 2016-02-03 swquantiles: sliding window quantiles
- 2016-02-03 frack: iterated function system fractals
- 2016-11-07 schema_ex(p): partial c++ to sql/c++/python transpiler
- 2016-12-18 work on the git api
- 2017-03-24 onify: pastel wallpaper generator is still under development... all the old content is still up at if you're looking for something in particular. If you're not, feel free to poke around here :)